Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's Portraits, but like, not!


I've been more inspired than I've ever been before recently, and it's spurred me towards devoting myself a little bit more to my art, this website include, so, UPDATE.

Most of my stuff recently has been a result of collaboration. Nearly every time with Sean Hagwell ( or one of our other compatriots in the art of camera fighting. As a day to day goal, I've really set myself up to be challenged almost daily with my photography.. Whether it be seeking out things that I don't normally shoot or forcing myself to shoot something I KNOW from a perspective that I DON'T.

Livin' life, lovin' life.

I'm working more and more with professional lights and professional bodies.. and It's making me see more and more that I need to win the lottery so I can have that stuff, too. *sigh* Equipment woes. I hope I look back on this some day and laugh. NOW.

Few, at first, many, to come.

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